Hello World, We Have A Blog

Hey there! Welcome to our blog, this is going to be a place where we share our vision of engineering, tech and product development.
In this first post we’ll explain why and how we started The Crafters Lab and what principles drive us.
The Crafters Lab
To understand what The Crafters Lab is, it is necessary to know who started this project. Not only who we are individually, our concerns, our vision of the technological world, but also which are our personal dynamics.
The project was started by Ă€lvar PĂ©rez, RubĂ©n Sanchez and I (Emilio RĂos), with the idea of dedicating ourselves to what we are passionate about, which is developing products.
We all have many years of experience in the software ecosystem, working from small startups of 4 people to unicorns with lot of teams and thousands of employees.
With all these experiences behind us, we decided to set up a software agency to offer our clients well-crafted software, continuously adding value and making the client a fellow traveler.
Why do we do it?
Setting up a company does not cross your mind from one day to the next, there must be a powerful why.
One of the first conversations we had when founding The Crafters Lab, was about our why, our real reason for founding a company. As Simon Sinek says, the power of why is finding your true biology, what defines you, because is relatively easy to know what you want to do, and how to do it. The purpose goes much further.
Our purpose is to change the view of software as a pure engineering job. Give it a community sense of team and craft.
We conclude that what we want is:
- Not be individualistic or misaligned team of developers
- Have Psychological Safety
- Build software as craftsmanship
- Avoid unbalanced relationships
If these topics sound interesting to you, articles about this more in-depth will follow soon, stay tuned.
Why spend our life developing software unless you care about doing it well?
A purpose is something that guides you. Life, rush and routine can make you lose direction, and from time to time it is good to check that everything you do is aligned with your purpose.
How do we do it?
We do it as a team. We work to deliver quality software to fulfill functional and non-functional requirements without leaving behind us technical debt.
For us, Software Craftsmanship means professionalism, and following some practices (pair programming, continuous integration, test-driven development, etc...) we are creating high-quality software and making us feel proud about what we do.
We want to remove business problems, and for that, fast iterations, getting constant feedback, and easing the difficulty of taking decisions is an essential parts of the process.
To tackle business problems, you need to understand the business itself. We care about it and we empathise with the problem space to be as effective as possible in our quest of removing business problems.
All these ideas together, drive us to our vision of High-Performance Teams. Teams that follow best-in-class practices. Teams that understand business problems. Teams that work as one. This is what we are working for and this is what The Crafters Lab is about.
Emilio is a software developer and founding member of The Crafters Lab.